Balenciaga – Kublin
Thames & Hudson, 2024

Design of a publication featuring the collaborative work of fashion photographer Tom Kublin and fashion designer Cristóbal Balenciaga.

This book highlights the artistic collaboration between Tom Kublin and Cristóbal Balenciaga, offering a visual and historical exploration of their work within the European avant-garde scene. As the first major publication on Kublin, the book reveals his short yet significant impact on fashion photography. 

The volume showcases over 140 rare photographs and film stills, capturing not only Kublin’s visionary style but also Balenciaga’s revolutionary approach to fashion. Balenciaga’s designs, which often transcended the natural contours of the body, favoured minimalism and abstraction, reflecting the bold, forward-thinking creativity that both he and Kublin shared. Together, they forged new paths in their respective fields, influencing the trajectory of fashion and fashion photography.

The book’s design mirrors the harmony of Kublin and Balenciaga’s working relationship, with page layouts that symbolically balance or reflect one another. The design uses materials which nod to the idea of the archive, where Kublin’s work is more commonly located and viewed. 

The book includes essays by key figures like María Kublin, Ana Balda, Miren Vives, Gian Paolo Barbieri, and Lydia Slater, offering deeper insights into Kublin’s legacy, Balenciaga’s groundbreaking creations, and their lasting influence on the fashion world.

310 x 235mm, 194pp
Photography by Axel Aurejac