Dear Love Who Should Have Been Forever Mine, Marie Jacotey
Co-published with common-editions, 2015
Book concept and design of co-published artist book Dear Love Who Should Have Been Forever Mine, Marie Jacotey.
A close dialogue with artist, Marie Jacotey, resulted in a very particular book. Initially, a unique loose-leaf book was developed at concept stage, to work through the prerequisite brief that the design should not visually infringe on the artwork. This preliminary model inspired the narrative structure and format of the publication, where individual artworks are loosely collated in two sections portraying a two-sided love story – the subjective perspectives of a shared reality. Part introspection, part emotional exchange, the visual correspondence can be read in multiple ways: in series as part of a continuous narrative, individually as unique artworks or placed as a large-scale installation, to literally ‘map out’ this surprising love story.
Published by Stinsensqueeze & common-editions
Edited by Nadine Monem
170 x 220mm, 30pp
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